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  • Product/project definition

  • Proposed tech org structure

  • AI-assisted talent matching

  • HR, payroll, compliance

Manage remote employees in one secure environment.


  • Free contractor recruiting leveraging Teamcast Talent Acquisition

  • Monthly rate range: $3,500 - $7,000

  • 15% fee to convert contractors to client FTEs or EOR employees (>1 Yr)

  • Option for BYOC, then onboard.  $49 per month / contractor for HR and payroll

Onboard and pay contractors in full compliance


  • 15% talent acquisition fee

  • $/month/resource for Payroll, HR, Compliance (Starter / Professional / Enterprise Options)

Hire, onboard, pay, and manage your remote team

EOR Employees

Teamcast:  One platform for Talent Acquisition, HR, Payroll, Compliance and more…

Hire, Pay & Manage technical resources
in a complete workflow on the teamcast platform.

Input the product vision and iterate with Teamcast’s organizational design solution to prescribe the appropriate org structure.

Employer On Record (EOR) Packages

  • Legal entity

  • Payroll

  • Compliance

  • Expense management





  • Employee Onboarding

  • Employee engagement & training

  • Background Verification

  • Organizational Chart Profiles

  • Localized Benefits administration

HR Management




Includes Starter Pack*

  • Hardware procurement

  • Hardware/software maintenance office

  • Dedicated desks

  • Office amenities, Shared space operations

  • Shared meeting rooms

  • Travel and admin assistance

IT Support




Includes Professional Pack*

* Talent Acquisition services leveraging the Teamcast platform for product definition, organization design, and talent matching is offered for a 15% success fee.

* The conversion of Teamcast contractors to EOR employees is offered for a 15% conversion fee following a minimum 1-year contractor option. 

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